서울과학기술대학교 컴퓨터공학과 빅데이터 및 HPC 연구실
BigData and HPC Lab, Department of Computer Science
Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech)
03.2025 Our paper "Toward Performance Prediction in Large-Scale Systems through Temporal System and Application Log Analysis" has been accepted to IPDPS 2025 Poster Session (BK21 Conference, IF 2). This work was joint work with Berkeley Lab, Chung-Ang University, and POSTECH. Congrats to 1st author Ehan Sohn (M.S)
03.2025 Funds granted. BK21 혁신인재 양성사업 "능동적 사이버보안 인재양성 교육단"
02.2025 Funds granted. ST신진연구 "차세대 이기종 양자-고성능 컴퓨터 간 하이브리드 시스템을 위한 효과적인 데이터 관리 체계 연구"
02.2025 Our paper "SWIFTN: Accelerating Quantum Circuit Simulation Through Tensor Optimization" has been accepted to CCgrid 2025 (BK21 Conference, IF: 1). This work was joint work with Berkeley Lab. Congrats to co-1st authors Seunghwan Kim (Undergrad) and Changjong Kim (Ph.D) [School Notice Link].
01.2025 Sunggon Kim has been invited as a Program Committee member for CCgrid 2025 (BK21 Conference, IF: 1)
01.2025 Our paper has been accepted to FGCS (SCIE, IF: 6.2, JIF 9.4%).
01.2025 Our project is selected as 2025 HPC-based RnD Innovation program from KISTI. We will utilize 236,800 CPU node hour and 1,945 GPU node hour from KISTI 5th generation HPC.
01.2025 Our paper "Improving performance of real-time object detection in edge device through concurrent multi-frame processing" has been accepted to IEEE Access (SCIe, JIF 33.6%, Q2). Congrats to Seunghwan Kim (Undergrad, 1st Author) and Changjong Kim (Ph.D Student, 2nd Author) [School Notice Link] [Paper Link].
11.2024 Sunggon Kim is invited to present research on Quantum Simulation in HPC on 2024 Quantum Days at NERSC, Berkeley Lab [Link] [Slide]
10.2024 Manish Kumar (Postdoc) became Assistant Professor at Marwadi University, India. Congrats!
10.2024 Our 2 papers have been accepted to MobiSec 2024 (international Conference). Congrats to Changjong Kim (Ph.D Student, 1st Author) and Sangmyung Lee (MS Student, 1st Author).
10.2024 Our paper "Investigating the Effects of SQL Hints on Diverse Storage Devices through Empirical Analysis." has been accepted to Cluster Computing (SCIe, JIF 19.9%, Q1). Congrats to Changjong Kim (Ph.D Student, 1st Author) [School Notice Link] [Paper Link].
09.2024 Our paper "Augmented Access Pattern-based I/O Performance Prediction using Directed Acyclic Graph Regression." has been accepted to Cluster Computing (SCIe, JIF 19.9%, Q1). [Link]
09.2024 Ehan Sohn has been granted funds from Korean NRF (석사과정생연구장려금지원사업, 국내 석사 지원자중 총 750과제 선정, "인공지능을 활용한 로그분석 기반 고성능 컴퓨팅 시스템 전력 예측 및 최적화") [School Notice Link]
08.2024 Our paper "Secure IoHT: Embedded Federated Learning-Driven Long Short-Term Memory for Cyberattack Detection" has been accepted to MDPI Electronics (SCIe).
08.2024 Our paper "Improving Performance of Key-Value Stores for High-Performance Storage Devices" has been accepted to MDPI Applied Sciences (SCIe).
07.2024 Sunggon Kim is serving as guest edior on MDPI Applied Sciences [Link]
06.2024 Changjong Kim graduated as M.S and joined the lab as Ph.D student. Welcome again!
06.2024 Soeun Kim joined the lab as Undergrad student. Welcome!
06.2024 Our paper "Predictive Analytics for Mortality: FSRNCA-FLANN Modeling Using Public Health Inventory Records." has been accepted to IEEE ACCESS (SCIe).
03.2024 Sangmyung Lee has been granted funds from Korean NRF (석사과정생연구장려금지원사업, 국내 석사 지원자중 총 600과제 선정, "ZNS SSD를 활용한 응용의 접근패턴 기반 데이터 처리 성능 최적화") [School Notice Link]
03.2024 Our paper "ScaleDFS: Accelerating Decentralized and Private File Sharing via Scaling Directed Acyclic Graph Processing" has been accepted to HPDC 2024 (BK21: 2).
03.2024 Sunggon Kim has been invited as a Program Committee member for HiPC 2024 (BK21 Conference, IF: 1)
02.2024 Our paper "EnC-IoT: An Efficient Encryption and Access Control Framework based on IPFS for Decentralized IoT." has been accepted to CCgrid 2024 (BK21 IF: 1).
01.2024 Our paper "A2FL: Autonomous and Adaptive File Layout in HPC through Real-time Access Pattern Analysis ." has been accepted to 38th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) (BK 21 Top Conference IF:2). This was joint work by Seoultech, SNU, CAU, OSU and Berkeley Lab. Congrats to Changjong Kim (Master Student, 2nd Author) [School Notice Link] [Conference Link].
01.2024 Our paper "Empowering Cyberattack Identification in IoHT Networks with Neighborhood Component-based Improvised Long Short-Term Memory" has been accepted to IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCIe, JCR Top 3%). Congrats to Manish Kumar (Post-doc, 1st Author) and Changjong Kim (Master Student, 2nd Author) [School Notice Link].
Our collaborators